
Frational Order Inverse Filters Based on CCII Family

This paper proposes two generalized topologies of fractional order inverse filters (FOIF). All possible realizations of each topology are investigated using the second generation current conveyor (CCII) family. Inverse fractional highpass (IFHPF), inverse fractional bandpass (IFBPF), and inverse fractional lowpass (IFLPF) filters are realized using the same topology based on the generalized admittances. Numerical and P-Spice simulation results are presented for selected cases to approve the theoretical findings. The fractional order parameters increase the design flexibility and

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Capacitive behavior and stored energy in supercapacitors at power line frequencies

Supercapacitors are commonly viewed and mainly employed as dc electrical energy storage devices. Their behavior at far-from-dc is usually overlooked and not well explored for potential applications. In this work, we investigate analytically and experimentally the performance of supercapacitor at high frequencies, including the 50 Hz/60 Hz power line frequencies. The variation of effective capacitance, power and energy with frequency are analyzed using a fractional-order model consisting of a series resistance and a constant phase element for both pure sinusoidal and full-wave rectified voltage

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

All-Solid-State Double-Layer Capacitors Using Binderless Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Bipolar Electrochemistry

Bipolar electrochemistry is used as an economical, single-step, and scalable process for the oxidation of a wireless graphite substrate, and the subsequent electrophoretic deposition of graphene oxide thin film on a second wireless substrate. An all-solid-state symmetric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) using binderless reduced graphene oxide electrodes exhibited outstanding reversibility and capacitance retention over 18000 cycles, as well as superior capacitive behavior at far-from-dc frequencies (for example 45 and 47 µ F cm-2), effective capacitances at 75 and 189 Hz, respectively (computed

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Improved memristor-based relaxation oscillator

This paper presents an improved memristor-based relaxation oscillator which offers higher frequency and wider tunning range than the existing reactance-less oscillators. It also has the capability of operating on two positive supplies or alternatively a positive and negative supply. Furthermore, it has the advantage that it can be fully integrated on-chip providing an area-efficient solution. On the other hand, The oscillation concept is discussed then a complete mathematical analysis of the proposed oscillator is introduced. Furthermore, the power consumption of the new relaxation circuit is

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

A dynamic calibration scheme for on-chip process and temperature variations

A process and temperature variation calibration scheme is proposed in this paper. The proposed system uses the supply voltage and body bias to calibrate the device parameters to match those of a certain process corner that is determined by the system designer. This scheme is characterized by its ability to dynamically change the desired mapping target according to the computational load. Moreover, the proposed system provides the ability to detect and control the n- and p-type variations independently through the use of an all-n and all-p ring oscillators. The calibration system has been

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Resonant square-wave clock generator for low power applications

Power reduction is the main challenge facing circuit designers in their quest to utilize the full performance of new process technologies. A major portion of the power consumed in today's systems is due to the clock generation and distribution. Resonant clocking has been a promising technique to reduce the clock power dramatically. In this paper, a novel resonant clock generator circuit is proposed to reduce the dynamic power used for clock generation by almost 75%. Two configurations of the circuit are presented. The merit of this generator is most obvious in the ease of its implementation

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Communication—convolution-based estimation of supercapacitor parameters under periodic voltage excitations

Supercapacitors are typically used in applications requiring frequent and continuous charging/discharging cycles, but most of the models available in the literature are designed to predict their behavior for a single sequence. In this letter, we show first that the electrical response and metrics of supercapacitors under periodic voltage excitations can generally be obtained using Fourier series analysis and convolution operations of functions derived based on any suitable impedance model. We verified our analysis procedure with simulations using particle swarm optimization, and experiments

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Communication-The Ragone Plot of Supercapacitors under Different Loading Conditions

The power-energy performance of supercapacitors is usually visualized by the Ragone plot of (gravimetric or volumetric) energy density vs power density. The energy is commonly computed from E = CV2/2, and the power from P = E/Δt, which assume RCbased models. In this study, we investigate the energy-power profiles of two commercial supercapacitors discharged with three different types of loads: (i) constant current, (ii) constant power, and (iii) constant resistive load. The energy is computed as per the definition from the time-integral of its instantaneous power, i.e. E(t) = ò p(t)dt with p(t

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Experimental investigation of innovative active packaging biofilms using electrical impedance spectroscopy

This work explores a novel simple technique to investigate the shelf life of fruit using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). EIS is a non-destructive analysis that focuses on studying the electrical impedance variations during ripening of fruit. The purpose of this study is the use of a biodegradable natural plastic packaging for extending fruit and vegetable shelf life. Polyethylene Terephthalate is currently used for food packaging such vegetables, fruit and meat. It is a tough and flexible plastic material with high impact strength, but it has the disadvantages of synthetic plastics
Circuit Theory and Applications
Agriculture and Crops

Extending the double-dispersion Cole–Cole, Cole–Davidson and Havriliak–Negami electrochemical impedance spectroscopy models

Double-dispersion impedance models are important for the accurate fitting of spectral impedance measurements in Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). While the Cole–Cole model is the most widely known, it is possible to define double-dispersion Cole–Davidson and Havriliak–Negami models as well. In this work, we show that more freedom can be exercised when these three models are combined together and that this combination can be done in various forms. Experimental results using a two-stage optimization algorithm applied on the suggested models are provided. © 2021, European Biophysical

Circuit Theory and Applications
Agriculture and Crops